Quest Software
As a proud partner of Quest Software, GlobalTek Consulting offers the service options you need to fully integrate these industry-leading solutions into your business operations and take advantage of their full range of features.
Quest Micro Engagements
We understand that there are cases where our clients only need a few hours of help, but the help they do need is very specialized and often times very expensive. The Quest Micro Engagement (QME) was created to provide clients with assistance from our certified experts as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible.
Some of the Quest Software products we can assist with on our Custom Quest Micro Engagements are:
Quest Performance Analysis
Quest Migration Manager for Active Directory (QMMAD)
Migration Manager for Exchange (QMMEX)
Quest Active Roles Server (ARS)
SharePoint Migration, QAS /
Authentication Services,
GroupWise Migrator
Notes Migrator
Change Auditor
Active Admin and many others.